Day 5 : Fire.

Wednesday, July 11th /day 5 

Today has been one of the longest days so far. To start off my group was in charge of getting breakfast ready, which meant I had to change, brush my teeth, and pack up what we needed for the day. I ran so late that I nearly didn't get a chance to eat breakfast or get my usual three sandwiches ready. The place we visited today was the united state's forestry service facility.  
We named Mike Gomez who worked for the BIA, he went through all of the things that are done at this facility and what the different ranks of firefighters were. After that short introduction, we were taken to meet Doug and Sam who were a couple of rookie smokejumpers. They showed around the facility where they get to camp out and also showed us all the different equipment that they use. They even demonstrated how a smoke jumper suits up in an emergency scenario, sadly Doug did not meet the required time frame, he also messed up on some steps. After that, we had the privilege to go inside a plane. We then were shown around the facilities that help set up all the equipment for the firefighters, they really know how to get people interested in their many career options. Now to be completely honest this tour was interesting but I did not find it particularly exciting.  

We then finally were taken to a place where we learned more about the manufacturing and distribution the tools used by firefighters. That part of the tour was not very fun, the only good part was when I and Rudy got a chance to wash our hair in the sink. That day ended on a rather good note we actually got a chance to go to Walmart and buy some much-needed supplies.  Maria finally bought some shoes and socks, and I bought some solution for my contacts which I really needed. The fact that we had to order pizza for dinner during a camping trip pretty much tells you how tired and done we were at the end of that day.
everyone waiting for a turn inside
second plane tour of the day. 


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