Day 14: The cool foresters.

July 20th /day 14 
Well, today was a pretty bad day. Well for starters we found a place to shower but didn't get a chance. The sad part was that we never actually got a chance to shower. Well, the first activity of the day was meeting a couple of forestry specialists from the area that showed us around a couple of sites that they had recently cleared out. The foresters we met were Lance Leone, Clinton Diestel, and Rob Mallery. They were all really fun guys and super cool. The first thing they did was show us around a couple of sites that they had recently cleared out one being near twin lakes, and the other next to. It was really cool seeing how an area looks before it's been worked on compared to how it looks like when it has been cleared out. We then got to use a few of the tools that they use when working in an area. Lance actually showed us how to take measurements and how to test the age of a tree.
Lance showing us how to measure 
One of the areas that has been cleared 

 Clinton then showed us the type of equipment that firefighters use in the field and let us try on his backpack. The bag weighed about 45 pounds which is about 20 pounds lighter than your typical college students' bag during finals week. After that, we went back to camp and were given the news that we weren't actually going to shower. I was personally really mad about that but, not as mad as some of the other campers. At the end of the day, it's always better to end on a good note and not complain about something that can’t be helped. I mean, after all, we do have a river and some soap.  after we finished our blogs me mack, Taylor, Rudy, and Pricilla all went for a swim.

 That was actually really terrifying because I don't actually know how to swim. and we were swimming in water that was a bit deeper then what I'm used to ( I couldn't touch the bottom). I somehow managed to doggie paddle/ swim all the way from the beach area to the dock. I gotta thank mack for showing me how to swim. it was terrifying but totally worth it. 


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