Day 10 : Attack of the wasps

July 16th/ day 10
well, today was a rather interesting day we started the day by getting a talk from BJ Keifer who was a director of natural resources for the Spokane tribe. He introduced us to some fishery biologists named Brian and Kaycee that took us down to a creak to show us how they collect samples of fish. the method that they showed us was called electroshocking what this does is send very weak electric waves throughout the water to temporarily stun the fish. before we got into the water we were given Waders to wear so that we wouldn't get wet.

 I was given huge waders but Priscilla wanted it so we traded, it was hilarious seeing her walk with huge waders we went along the creek with our waders on shocking the water we collected a few fish but they were not the kind that we were looking for.
me and my twin Priscilla 

We were hoping to find trout but sadly could not manage to catch one. brian took a small group of us to a place where he thought there would be a stream so we went with him it was pretty fun until we ran into a nest of wasps that attacked us.

I was lucky enough to only get stung twice, but Pedro, Brian, and junior got it really bad.  after we got back to camp and showered we were invited to a sharing pit were we got to share some thoughts with our group. the sharing pit was truly a very intense and emotional experience and I'm really glad I got to experience it. we got to camp pretty late that night but we still stayed up, talking like always it was a really nice way to end the night.


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