Day 1 : Here we go

July 7th / day 1 Upon arriving….45 minutes late to the meet up at the university I was thrilled to see some familiar faces. After getting everything assigned to us we received a great and very informative lecture from Jonalee Sequeochs which is the coordinator for the Yakama nation cultural plan she explained how climate change affects the water flow throughout the valley and how that could directly impact us I will admit due to sleep deprivation I did miss some parts of the lecture but what I did catch was very great information. After finally leaving we took a couple detours the first was to collect the willow branches we would need in order to cook things over a fire the ride there was pretty fun there were only five people in the van, Pablo, Maria , Rudy,our tour guide Jacob,and myself, together we made up the “Fab Five” a name we all voted on. Along the way, we collected some firewood and s...